RWar 1.4 now available

This adds a requested option of being able to set a match as cancelled.

This is so they do not get mixed up with the guinine draw stats, and with its own color icon, warns the clan they do not have to turn up.

To upgrade just upload all the files, including new images 🙂

BF2 connection fix for the All Seeing Eye

I use the ASE regularly so I was annoyed when the 1.03 patch went and broke the connection support that 1.02 fixed.

But luckily a fix has been posted on the ASE message board, and I think its worth sharing with any BF2/ASE players that may visit.

You need to right click on Battlefield 2 in the ASE, Custom Config, and after the CMD line, such as "C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\BF2.exe" you specify your BF2 account username and password.

For example:

"C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\BF2.exe" +username RichGC +playerPassword MYTOPSECRETPASSWORD

Holiday Details

Well obviously im back, its always good to get away for a few days, and 'unplug' myself from the pc.

The Isle of Wight was a nice place, very scenic, good for a holiday, but unless your in the center town of Newport, its very quiet, and has that 'retirement' home feel.

The wedding was good, it was held at the hotel, aparently once home of a poet called Tennyson, but tbh I dont remember hearing of him before.

The families seem to get on well with each other, I found it awkward since it was my sister-in-laws brother who was getting married, and so there was only a few people I knew, but I managed to get through it without getting pissed and making a fool of myself 🙂

LGSL Custom Map Images

I have added a custom map pack for UT2004 to the e107 addons section.

Which was made by Raven from Digital Exile Game Servers

Im sure I have some other images packs floating around that ive forgotten about, so will have a dig around my drive tonight 🙂

Short Holiday

Im off to the Isle of Wight for the weekend, a relative is getting married. Be back soon.

RWar Update

A long overdue update to RWar, like lgsl I decided to put the more complex feature updates on a back burner and fix up the essentials.

RWar 1.3 is now available for download


– 0.7 squad / sides fix, since my bug has been qeued for over a month now, I decided to give up waiting and add in a workaround.

– 0.7 workaround for pages not redirecting due to core code having blank spaces, which messes up changing the header.

– Added dashes ( – ) to be allowed in custom map names, this is mainly for UT clans since there map names used them alot.

– Added back option to set the default IRC channel, handy if you find yourself entering all the time.

– Added icons and images from lgsl for new popular games, like bf2, dod source, farcry and swat 4, and updated images for existing games.

Now even more updates as of now:

– Fixed bug where using the 'add me' button could give a mysql error

– Increased maxlength for clantags from 10 to 20 characters

– Long Screenshot and Demo links will be shortened to avoid stretching the site.

– Screenshot and Demo section will not be shown if empty

– Changed to mysql_real_esape_string which respects different languages

LGSL Updates

I did not have time to do everything I wanted, but I wanted to get some of the smaller updates out asap.

LGSL e107 2.3 and LGSL SA 1.7 are availabe for download

Note worthy changes:

– Added DOD source icon and images
– Added image for the new BF2 map wake island 2007
– Fixed the e107 version showing escaping ( slashes ) after an update

Also a new feature for those who have branding on the front of their server name, you can now set in the index/menu/module $lgsl_hostname_shorten to 2 which will chop short the front instead of the end ( right to the left )