My current PC is a pretty fast 4.4Ghz I5 and Titan X. For a long time I have been running with 8GB of RAM, and even with the minimum page file, have not felt the need to upgrade as no game came close to using it.
Well GTA 5 changed that, and with my VirtualBox usage, I thought it would be a good time to upgrade, move the 8GB into another system and get a 16GB pair at a faster clock speed.
But would the upgrade actually improve GTA 5? Running the included benchmark using my preferred quality settings:
Corsair 8GB DDR3 1600mhz CL9 – Average FPS: 80.7 – Frames above 60 FPS: 94% 91% 99% 99% 90%
Corsair 16GB DDR3 2400mhz CL11 – Average FPS: 84.4 – Frames above 60 FPS: 97% 97% 99% 99% 96%
So the answer is yes, only slightly, but enough to help keep the FPS above the important 60 mark.