
Everyone who uses a computer should know what a .zip is

With a bit of luck you'll even know what a .rar is

But when it comes to compressing files, do you ever think about making a .cab ?

You may have seen a .cab as its what windows uses, but ive never considered using it, until a friend told me that he found it used less space that both zip and rar.

So testing this, compressing using I compressed lots of files in the 3 formats and compared the results. To my surprise .cab came out the same or smaller, sometimes a lot smaller, on all the files. Since its a windows standard, most compression software should be able to open them too.

So I say give it ago yourself and see how much time and space you can save when your uploading files. I certainly will be msn'ing cabs from now on.

And Again feels like its turned into a full time job, I used to think 10gb bandwidth was more than plenty, but since running it ive had to get 110gb to handle the mass of downloads. It makes me appreciate what other sites must go through when they start off as little projects and turn popular and get flooded by millions of people.

Ive really not been in the mood for coding, so its going to be a while before any updates happen on LGSL, and to avoid shoutcast sitting in limbo, ill try to get it released so people can use it as it is. Im not looking forward to having to learn how to deal with this querky new e107 security, as I liked the simplicity of it before.

Dispite this, I did actually do some coding, It was being very time consuming setting up a download mirror for each file on is82, so I made a download manager to replace/work along side the default e107 one, so that you only have to setup the file details once, and it will spread the downloads across the mirrors.

I got a new T630 mobile, not exciting news, but its brightened up my life, its fun to be able to take small little pics of things without being pro-actively prepared by carrying a proper digicam with me. The quality isn't amazing, but its more memories. If I remember I might actually upload them to gallery as the one pic has being sitting their by itself since time began.

Life goes on

I haven't really posted anything in a while, been really busy running the is82 site, and other free time has been used to either play is82, or coding various plugins.

There is going to be a change in the direction for LGSL, which could be bad or good, only after I do some test code will I be able to tell.

Ive just finished the beta version of the shoutcast list, which should be fun, so that you can easily keep track of all your favourite shoutcast stations.

Its a new year

I thought id finally get round to writing something 🙂

– Christmas fun
– New year party was even better
– Blaa Blaa Blaa

Not going into huge details

If it can fuck up, it eventually will

Well the webserver my site was hosted on decided to give up, and my sites been traffered over to a new box.

The good thing is this box is actually faster, and the site seem to load faster, the only thing is im viewing this by a modified hosts file as the new address hasn't propergated to my isp yet.

Still I learnt some new things, often wondered why unix used .tar.gz instead of just .zip. Turns out the gz bit is just the compression, but its only able to handle one file, so thats where tar'ing comes in. It makes lots of files, one file, and comes with some handy options like preserving file permissions.

Also learnt more about exporting and importing mysql from the shell. This is plagued with problems, which is why so many sites tell you how to do it with utilities.

mysqldump -uUser -p -A > file.sql seems like a simple option to export all your databases in one go, however you need to start up sql in a special mode to re-import it again, and thats still hit and miss. You cant use mysqlimport on it either since that requires you to specify a database, and -A doesn't just contain one.

mysqldump -uUser -p Database > db.sql seems like an easy option, however you need to know all the names of the db's and repeat for each one. To top it off, if you want to re-import this via phpMyAdmin, you have to edit the file and remove the top dump comments or it just wont work.

So sql users beware, make sure you have planned and tested your recovery options before the shit hits the fan.


Site looking good now, still adding bits to it, but main thing is its a site thats useful to me, and im planning to get some hotlinks to my daily websites on here so I can have this as my homepage.

First Post !!! :P

Yes, the othersite didn't last to long, mambo was just to much of a pain in the ass to post and get plugins for.

So here is the new site, so I test bits and bobs, ive given up using it as a public journal cos its no fun talking to people about what you have been doing if they already know from the site 🙂