LGSL Update

LGSL e107 2.4 and LGSL-SA 1.8 are now available !

Some of the noteworthy changes in both are:

– Added Quake 2
– Added Quake 4
– Added Doom 3
– Added F.E.A.R
– Added Vietcong 2
– Feed Improvements
– Forced wrapping for really long settings like website addresses.

For the e107 users, the Admin Area dropdowns are now tickboxes which are easier to use.

For the standalone users, blank IPs are now skipped, so if the line starts with a colon, it becomes a comment, example :ip:port: which is handy for temporarily disabling a server.

LGSL COD2 Support

I got quickly bored of the original call of duty, but I am having great fun with Call of Duty 2, the snow alone is brilliant, and can see why so many wanted LGSL support.

Since code wise not much needed doing, I have updated the current version of LGSL with COD2 icons and map images.

I take pride in making the map images, so to get the best quality I found the originals within the iw_09.iwd called background_mapname.iwi, and was able to open them using a tool called iwitodds.exe.

Yes d3/q4/fear/vc2/q2 is coming, but you will have to be patient.

LGSL Launching Steam

For those who have changed LGSL to launch steam know that it can be a bit messy due to applaunch numbers and speechmarks needing to be specified.

However it seems that in the latest update Valve have added a new command


Which auto detects what game the server is running.

Ive not widely tested this, so feedback on whether it works is welcomed.

Plugin Update

Change Mailer 1.5 is now out.

I wrote it so I know when someone has posted something to the site without having to constantly check. This new version adds a much need notifcation for the guestbook.

eCaptcha – Updated

For a long time the only spambots ive had were casino and poker advertising, and they were easily defeated by a word filter.

However it seems the spambots are becoming more devious, passing on hidden form data, using bbcode links, and posting websites that seem innocent, but actually redirect you.

Well the guestbook has annoyed me too much, and I should not have to delete them, or force people become members. So I create a plugin to do a captcha image test for anonymous posts.

Its now running on this site, so let me know what you think !